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Understanding User Buying Cycles and Their Relation to Mobile Apps

Understanding User Buying Cycles and Their Relation to Mobile Apps

As much as we sometimes hate to admit, all things must come full circle in life. That is true for leaves going from green to yellow to dead, to being born again. It is just as true for users and their buying cycles. Who is this blog for? Anyone. But, if you are an app developer, marketer, or...

Psychology in Apps — How to Use It to Your Advantage

Psychology in Apps — How to Use It to Your Advantage

If only we knew why people do the things they do. That’s what I found myself wondering the other day. And then, social and behavioral psychology, two of my dear friends, were kind enough to give me some answers. Now, psychology, in general, is a very broad notion even if we are just talking about...

How to Cook an Addictive Gaming App: Part 2

How to Cook an Addictive Gaming App: Part 2

Welcome to Part 2. Oh-oh, did you miss the first one? In case you have and are too lazy to go back, last time we reviewed some success and failure gaming app stories, we learned which questions to ask, and the key ingredients you need for your app to taste “addictive.” You guessed it, app design,...

How to Cook an Addictive Gaming App: Part 1

How to Cook an Addictive Gaming App: Part 1

Think Candy Crush. Think Angry Birds. Think Pokemon Go. What is it about these dangerously addictive gaming apps that keep us coming back for more? Why can’t we just hit “Close” and move on? And more importantly, what can we learn from them? If you are an app developer working on the next big...

Apple’s FaceTime Bug Is Discovered By Users on Data Privacy Day

Apple’s FaceTime Bug Is Discovered By Users on Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day is on January 28th, and Apple’s most recent as well as most serious iPhone bug to date was discovered on this day. The latest drama in the tech universe (mainly for Apple users) is the bug that is allowing FaceTime callers to listen in on the audio from the person you are...

Mobile Gaming Apps — the Past, Present & Future

Mobile Gaming Apps — the Past, Present & Future

As human beings, we seek entertainment in everything we do. We go to the cinema, we overuse social media, we sleep with our phones by the pillow. The smartphone industry thrives today because these smart gadgets are our gateway to the world of entertainment, and it only takes a few taps to enter....

Showing 7 - 12 of 31 articles