Imagine the following scenario: you’ve got a great website with excellent content thanks to the content writing services you’ve used, and it’s being shared non-stop. Your website traffic is booming, and the numbers don’t stop climbing.
But wait, there’s just one problem to that ideal scenario: those that are reading your website content are leaving without taking any action.
Why is that happening?
The answer is that you might be missing some neuromarketing tactics. In other words, you didn’t hack into the readers’ minds.
Before you get skeptical about whether you can do that, let me point out that there is evidence to prove you can.
With neuromarketing, neuroscience is used to tell marketers why clients prefer some products over others.
Keep reading to see how neuromarketing can help with conversion rates.
What is Neuromarketing?
Hint: it’s a smarter type of marketing
With the goal for most businesses and marketers these days being to spend less money and get better results, they’ve turned neuromarketing.
Neuromarketing is how businesses can design their website, content, and more to evoke neurological reactions that are associated with buying itself or emotions linked to buying.
The overall goal here is to understand how your clients’ brains work and what affects your marketing strategies have on your consumers.
You can read more in-depth about what it is on one of our previous blog posts while we move forward with how it can help with conversion.
How Does Brain-Hacking Work?
It starts with brain mapping in two ways.
Since content writers can use neuromarketing tactics to make their content more engaging and drive action, it’s essential to understand how it works.
Researchers have settled on two different systems that are used to map our ways of thinking. We’ll refer to them as System 1 and System 2.
Pluto, the Greek Philosopher, originally introduced this concept using a chariot drawn by two horses. One horse would symbolize human emotions (or System 1), while the other would symbolize human reasoning (or System 2).
System 1 is what we refer to as intuition. It’s emotional, automatic, and it allows us to function effectively and rapidly. However, because of how fast the processes are, it can lead us to make mistakes.
System 2 is more cognitive or what we refer to as thinking. It’s slower, more rational, and self-aware. There are fewer mistakes when compared to System 1 because we are allowed to retrace our steps and correct things if needed.
Now think about this possible familiar situation: you go to the gas station because you need to buy gas, but you walk out having paid for the gas for your vehicle, a soda, and a bag of chips. You didn’t need the drink or bag of chips, but you couldn’t resist the urge to purchase them.
That’s because 95% of our purchase decisions are made by intuition – or System 1.
When it comes to content writing services, writers can apply System 1 and 2 to their strategies to appeal to the emotional side of the readers, causing them to take action.
Neuromarketing Tricks That Can Help Hack Brains
And, in turn, increase conversion rates.
The lizard brain is responsible for both human behavior and decision making. Emotions trigger it, and to convert visitors to leads and customers, target the lizard brain.
Emphasize on Your Readers’ Pain
As humans, we tend to avoid pain. With that being said, we also focus more on not getting hurt than we do on feeling good.
Marketers should be thinking about their readers’ problems and pains and how to incorporate them into their content.
When Domino’s Pizza realized that their customers had a problem with not knowing when they’ll have their pizza, they created a system that allowed them to track their order every step of the way.
Capture Your Readers’ Sense
How many bedrooms do you have in your home? You probably came up with the answer by visualizing your home and counting – 2 upstairs, one in the basement, etc.
That’s because humans are visual thinkers and learners. Our brains react differently to visuals. 90% of the information that is transmitted to our minds is visual.
To boost conversion rates, you should incorporate as many senses as possible. Have readers visualize an action while also imagining taste, smell, sound, and touch.
Utilize the Cheerleader Effect
The cheerleader effect is often used in content writing services. When you think of a cheerleader, you think of someone energetic and pretty. However, their beauty can also be an illusion because cheerleaders are often in a group.
Utilizing this effect to your advantage can mean including social proof in your content. Things like customer reviews and examples of people using or interacting with your products and services to make them more desirable.
Start Hacking into Your Readers’ Brains
See increased conversion rates.
If you incorporate these neuromarketing tactics while outsourcing the proper SEO and content writing services, you’ll see increased conversion rates.
Both science and creativity can play an essential role in having an edge over your competitors.
Get to hacking your readers’ brains and persuade them to take action!