So, you’ve learned how to code, you’ve developed a few apps, keep several in progress, and you are generally enjoying the fact that you can call yourself an app developer. You know there’s still a lot to learn, but the real questions are… Can you make it? Can you survive as an app developer?
Hello, I’m Nick, and I haven’t been posting much lately. This is because I was researching ASO (App Store Optimization) and writing some app descriptions and reviews. The research helped me have a better understanding of what developers might need in order to be successful. I’ll talk more about ASO writing later, let’s start with the basics. The basics of…
How to Survive in the App Stores
Where were we at…? Oh yes, you already know how to develop apps, but you’re not a successful developer. Yet. To become a survivor, you should be able to earn enough to cover all these months of hard work and keep you alive until your next project. But how to survive in a world where there are already millions of apps in the Google Play and Apple stores? Here’s what I learned during my research…
#1. Research other apps
Even the bad ones!
It all starts with research (obviously). People nowadays are so concerned about other people’s success that they not only forget about their own but forget how valuable knowledge studying a horrible example can bring them. When we talk about apps, just ask yourself what this horrible app is so bad at so you don’t repeat the same mistake. While studying the top charts in the app stores will give you good examples (examples that might not work anymore)
Studying the bottom of the charts will help you realize what not to do and hopefully, you’ll have a fresh new idea!
#2. Design is everything
Even for arcade games
Good design doesn’t mean complexity, but you probably already know that. However, one thing that I noticed is tons of arcade games with terrible design. Just because you’re targeting that old school look you had on your Gameboy, doesn’t mean you should put 0 effort in your design. Also, this is not just about your game, it’s about your logo and screenshots as well! Clean and flat design with a good app name and a superior designed icon increases the likelihood that the app store will feature you.
#3. Be patient
Success won’t happen overnight! Remember that and just be passionate about what you are developing. Stay persistent and continually learn with each new version update and each new app published. Also, don’t forget to keep an eye on the competition.
#4 Do one thing really well
Focus on your strengths
Of course, I’m not implying that you should ignore all the other points I’m making here and focus on one. I’m talking about your skills as a developer. Find one thing you’re really, really good at and focus on it. Be sure that it is something that is substantial and meaningful to a lot of people. You can’t satisfy everyone with just one app. Don’t try solving a problem that doesn’t exist for real people. Don’t try solving hundreds of problems with one app.
#5. Set your goals
And be clear about them!
Ask yourself the question “Why do you want to be an app developer?” Whether you’re just trying to build a portfolio so you can leave your day job or really want to make an app that changes the world, you should have a clear goal in mind. This will definitely help you find the right direction to take.
#6. Get in touch with the real “Survivors”
Try to make contact with people who are where you want to be
Once you figure out where you want to be, try to get in touch with people living the dream. The culture of collaboration is probably one of the best things about this industry. I’m sure there are lots of successful people who are happy to discuss how they got where they are, how they survived.
Some great places to start doing that are Social Media groups, public forums, and other online platforms such as Quora and LinkedIn.
#7. Look for collaboration
Yes, I’m talking about our ASO writing services
But only…Of course, an engaging app description targeting beneficial keywords will help you. A third party review also gives a lot of credibility for sure. I won’t bother you much with the benefits of ASO. It’s the truth, it’s worth it, it’s better to have a professional writer with content writing experience behind your text content and selling point opportunity. It’s better to focus on what you do best (app development) and leave the content writing to the content writers (take a look back at #4). Period.
Now, let’s talk about other collaborations. Volunteering on other projects with like-minded developers is a great opportunity. Making valuable connections is a clear benefit here, but there’s more to it. This can pave the way to a successful career in the mobile app world.
Ignore the silly gif from above, I’m actually quoting Dhanush Balachandran, the founder of Sortly. He suggests if you’ve been thinking about building apps, to “just do it”.
I can imagine how frustrating it may be for a first-timer or somebody that is just starting the process of submitting an app (and getting approved), so start with something simple. Get the experience under your belt and “just do it”!
Well, I hope this helps. I’ll come back with another blog discussing how much profit you can make as an app developer, as well as other app-related articles. Until then, feel free to ask any questions in the comments below and, you might as well check out our ASO writing services!