
I believe every web marketer nowadays knows the importance of well-chosen keywords that should be used on each page. However, what I keep on noticing is that many people skip the keyword research when it comes to blogs and content creation. For me, this is a wasted opportunity as blog posts can reach even a wider audience when keyword-optimized. In today’s blog, I’ll talk about:

Keyword research and its importance

Before targeting anything, you should determine what keywords are likely to bring in relevant traffic. You can use Google Suggest or Google Trends to find such keywords or phrases. This works best when you’re posting what we call a “timely topic”.

When looking for recurring traffic, the best way to find relevant keywords is to look through your own analytic data. If you are new to the online field, brace yourself, improvise, and in time, you’ll see what works for you and what doesn’t. When you gather enough data, you should make the best of it.

For example, if you run a food blog and your data shows that people are finding your blog with the keyword “cream cheese” and you don’t have an article dedicated to it, you should consider writing one and focus primarily on keywords related to cream cheese.

Narrow down your topic

Let’s say you did find that “cream cheese” was the reason most of your readers ended up on your website and you are thinking about a topic. You should consider that “cream cheese” itself is a bit broad and chances are you won’t rank anywhere near the first page with that keyword. Here’s an example of how I would narrow this down.

I’ll start with something that I really like, such as my grandmother’s cream cheese pound cake. There it is, I’ll just write and post the recipe.

Secondly, I need a back-up. Cream cheese pound cake is common enough. Sure thing, I’ll share with everyone the most unique, top-secret recipes but in terms of ranking, I’ll have a hard time proving Google this is true. This is why, I’ll start a whole trend on suitable cream cheese brands and types to use for a pound cake. Now, this is something unique in terms of content.

Once you are done researching and narrowing down, you’re ready to:

Write and optimize your blog post!

If you don’t have any writing/blogging experience, you are probably already looking for web content writer to write articles for your blog section, and this is definitely the right thing to do. A professional blog writing expert knows a thing or two about using keywords, how many times a keyword should be used, how many keywords should be used in one article, etc…

What I’m trying to say is that you can do your keyword research and order custom content but of course, you are more than welcome to write the blog yourself. Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck and hope this post was helpful.