Ever since there was beautiful blue water and a horizon behind it, people have been dying to go on adventurous voyages through the unknown so they can find the new and the exciting. That’s true for Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, James Cook, and any other brave (and arguably crazy) man with a boat, a crew, and a discovery itch to scratch. Fast forward to today, there is no more (well, almost no more) land to be discovered, so people have shifted their attention elsewhere — reaching new clients and finding ways to keep them loyal to their brand, company, product, etc. Even though you can solve all your problems by simply turning to SEO copywriting services and be done with it, I still believe it is important to know how to target new clients through content on various channels. Namely, desktop, mobile, and voice searches.
Yes, there is a difference.
But Why?
For starters, desktop, mobile, and voice searches use different algorithms. Why?
- Because there are different behavioral patterns associated with searches made from various devices.
- Google’s end game is to provide the best, most flexible, and rewarding user experience for all groups of searchers.
For users, this means a device-tailored experience. For business owners, it means they will not rank the same for a specific keyword in desktop vs. mobile SERPs.
The Good Old Desktop Search vs. The Rise of The Mobile Giant
Knowing how and from what kind of device your target audience will be looking for you, is essential in crafting your strategy, especially in creating your landing pages. Needless to say, things like responsive design, page speed, ease of readability, and ease of access are a must for both desktop and mobile. Opting for professional SEO copywriting services will ideally grant you the perfect landing page. In general, however, you still have a lot more freedom with desktop in terms of design and character limit. This applies to landing pages and meta descriptions which are both crucially important attention grabbers.
User Intent
You should also be aware of a little thing called user intent. As the phrase suggests, this is the intent of a user has when conducting a search query. In other words, what is a person looking for when asking Google about something. It is a widely accepted generalization that desktop users are in a different stage of the funnel than mobile users are. Desktop searches are more information-based referring to the process of gathering data before making a purchasing decision, while mobile users are often closer to the purchasing/transactional phase and are more interested in location-specific queries. Therefore, services like SEO copywriting will come in handy when closing the deal with prospective clients.
My Not-So-Odd Example
Let’s look at a short example. It’s your sibling’s wedding day coming up and you want to look the part. You’ve no idea how much a tuxedo or a fancy evening dress costs, so you get on your laptop to check prizes, you know, informatively. You simply type something like “tuxedos for rent” or “evening gowns on sale.” And that’s all. A few days pass by, you have crashed your piggy bank, and you are ready to go shopping. You’re outside already when it dawns on you — where exactly do I go? You pull your phone and type in “tuxedos/evening gowns + your location,” because naturally, you want to know which stores to go near you. And that’s where it all differs. The SERPs you get now have nothing to do with the ones you got on your laptop. Your intent is different now. You are a lot closer to making a purchase. If you are in the clothing business (or any business for that matter), our SEO copywriting services can boost your conversion rates. Just sayin’.
As you can see, once you’ve understood the user intent of a given target client segment, you can be sure you are providing useful content to both desktop and mobile users. Content that will enlighten information seekers and content that won’t bore people wishing to buy from you.
The (Relatively) New Kid on the Block — Voice Search
Voice search is like a mutant child that grows at a concerningly rapid pace. Over 20% of mobile queries are voice searches, and that number will be even higher by the time you read these lines. Google promised it will bring voice search analytics to webmasters soon but that has not yet happened and it’s pretty much a guessing game still. However, voice searches are characterized by the use of trigger words, such as who, what, where, when, etc., and mobile compatibility and natural language usage are aspects you need to incorporate in your platforms.
As you can see, it all comes down to industry-specific knowledge, quality SEO copywriting, and other related services. If you are not handling your digital marketing yourself, be wary of the agency you choose to do it for you. Of course, you can always choose 411Writers, but that’s for you to decide.