
Rome was not built in a day. And even after it was, it went through metamorphosis and improvements. The result, however, was spectacular. Think of your website copy as Rome and proofreading it as the improvements The Eternal City went through before it became a hallmark of excellence. Think of the effect your content will have if you unleash it to the world flawed and the impact it will have once it’s been carefully proofread. You are the emperor, and it’s your choice. My only advice is to choose wisely. This applies to even the most experienced web content writers reading this. To help you make an informed decision, I have dissected the main stages of proofreading.

The Proofreading Process

Proofreading can and should be a meticulous, often lengthy process. It is not a one-step practice. It begins where actual writing ends. The original web content writer of the text should be its first proofreader. The goal is for them to catch as many mistakes as possible, so there is a neat, beautiful copy in the end that needs little to no editing. From this stage, the content goes to an editor who will read over the entire article and check for any mistakes.

  • Firstly, the editor should check whether the copy has an overall sense of unity (visual layout, type size, etc.).
  • The second step is making sure that the text is readable which means rectifying any typos, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Any structural problems will be corrected as well.
  • At this point, the copy is free of technical errors and the focus shifts to the content itself. This means ensuring the article is properly organized and factually accurate. To do that properly, the editor needs to be well-versed in the topic covered in the copy.
  • Finally, the editor needs to make sure that all links present in the content are functional and lead to their proper destination; that the set SEO rules are followed; and that company names, addresses, and other business information are free of errors.
  • Ideally, an article will get multiple edits by different people to ensure all mistakes are caught and rectified.

So, if you want to buy unique content for your site, you might want to consider investing in a professional proofreader as well. Disclaimer: our SEO copywriting services cover both! Anyways, what is your experience with proofreading? Do you have a different process? Let me know in the comment section below!