
Do you ever just stop and think to yourself: where has the time gone? I mean, we are already half-way into December, and here comes January (A.K.A. the new year) waiting to make his debut. It seems too soon! We were just celebrating 2018, and now we are getting ready to do it again, but this time, for 2019. Do you know what that means? New year, new goals – at least in the real estate realm. That also means that you or your SEO content writers have to get to work and develop some quality stuff for your website (hopefully this is the case).

Being in real estate may be tough as it is, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t change up your strategy come the new year. This is actually the perfect time, and where most people decide to alter their point of view, goals, and more. Today, I am going to tell you about 7 ways that you can “slay” – as Beyonce would say – the new year. Stay tuned!

1. The Evaluation and Reflection Period

Brace yourself, this may be brutal.

Whether you were a new agent this year or it was just another year for you in this industry, take this time to look back at how you did. Yes, that’s right! This is a personal evaluation. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but don’t be too easy, either.

What did you do good? What did you do bad? Where and what can you improve? Would you change anything? Keep notes of these answers and use them this time next year – December 2019 – in order to see if you were able to change, improve, or keep up these things as time goes on.

When you evaluate yourself, you learn about certain habits, strengths, and weaknesses which can only help you in the long-run. You’re not the only one that does these kinds of evaluations, the website content writers do it, teachers, lawyers, and all kinds of professionals. At the end of the day, it can’t hurt to try!

2. Gain 1 New Lead Each Week

This is only an example. If you believe you can handle more, by all means, GO FOR IT!

This may be one of the most important goals you create because this is how you will stay motivated to make money – because we all know, having leads is what paves your path to success in the real estate business. This goal is up to you, you will be able to determine the ideal amount of leads that you should aim for based on your experience, drive, and more.

As an agent, you might have already developed a pattern regarding the type of clients that you work with. By this, I mean whether they are buyers or sellers. When setting your goals, try getting more specific with it. For instance, 3 seller clients and 1 buyer client a month (which still equal to about 1 new client each week). With leads comes revenue. If you want to talk financial numbers for the new year, set a goal for yourself that involves how much revenue you are aiming for. This may serve as motivation too.

3. Get Active on Your Website

Blogging, Email, Social Media Posting, Etc.

Keeping your readers engaged all depends on the content that you are providing. If you are not giving them enough or any at all, it may be a problem – not just for your website, but also for your readers. SEO content writers can help you get started with actively blogging, email marketing, and more!

4. Continuing Education

Yes, it’s that time again.

This is generally not one of the things that all realtors look forward too, but it really is important – not just for the sake of your license but also for your own knowledge. Things are constantly changing in the real estate industry, and some you might not be aware of OR you may not be practicing it correctly.

In any case, you can SLAY the new year by getting a headstart on your continuing education courses so that you are not so stressed out the final week before they are due. Whether this means breaking them up to one every month until they are finished or maybe getting them all finished weeks before time is up – the key here is to plan ahead. Each state has different requirements so it is important to check them out.

5. Update Your Website Content

In with the new, out with old.

You know the saying: “New Year, New Me.” right? It is used every year by … well, everyone. Now it’s time to apply this to your website. Turn it into: “New Year, New Website Content.” That way, you can not only keep your website updated but also keep it interesting and fresh for your readers as well as potential clients. You don’t have to go at this alone, after all, you want to eliminate as much stress as possible in the new year, so make sure that your content writers are helping you out.

6. Tweak Your Target Audience

Define it, narrow it down, or change it completely

Now that you have evaluated your past year, you know what worked and what didn’t. This means that there may be a need to change your target audience. Do you want your website content writers to focus solely on buyers or sellers? How about first-timers?

Whether you decide to focus on being a relocation agent because that is what you have a passion for or maybe even sticking to rentals, it is important to decide on this before the new year rolls in.

7. Be S.M.A.R.T.

This applies to you and your goals

It is possible that you have heard this before, but I will point it out once more. The real estate goals (and all of them for that matter) that you create for yourself this new year should be S.M.A.R.T. This stands for:

  • Specific: What EXACTLY do you want to accomplish?
  • Measurable: Measuring data helps with improvements.
  • Achievable: Have the ability to complete the goal.
  • Realistic: Simply put: you may have the ABILITY to get 50 leads a month, but is it REALISTIC for you?
  • Time-Bound: Set a time frame for your goals.


Let’s get to setting goals!

It may not be simple once you first get started, but you have to think about what you want for yourself and your real estate business. Whether you are a real estate broker or an agent, you can definitely benefit from these goal setting techniques. Don’t leave it all to yourself, your website content writers are here to help you SLAY the new year with blogs and more.

Tell me one of your real estate goals in the comments!