
Does Readability Trump Creativity in Content Writing?

Does Readability Trump Creativity in Content Writing?

Better readability or more creative freedom — that is the question. As writers, do we prefer to be understood or release content into the world exactly how we picture it? If you only write for fun, you can let your ego grab the wheel. If you work at a content writing agency, however, you must...

Multichannel and Omnichannel Marketing for Your Business – Part 2

Multichannel and Omnichannel Marketing for Your Business – Part 2

Welcome back! Hopefully, you have had a chance to take in the plethora of information that I provided for you last time about the differences between multichannel marketing and omnichannel marketing. If you haven’t already discussed it with your content writing agency, then by the end of this...

Why Nobody Cares About Your Pop-Ups

Why Nobody Cares About Your Pop-Ups

Among all other advertising techniques, perhaps the pop-up is the one we all hate with the strongest passion. In my mind, the human equivalent of pop-up ads is this annoying nag in the center of Rome that will try to sell you a flower by just putting it into your hand before you realize what’s...

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