
How Social Media Affected Logo Design

How Social Media Affected Logo Design

Social media has become omnipresent in every field of life, industry included. It has forever changed the way we do business. It has given customers a voice and a platform where they communicate directly with their service providers. It has altered the way companies create and share content with...

Continuing to Grow Your Business While on Vacation

Continuing to Grow Your Business While on Vacation

You’ve probably noticed that the weather has gotten warmer recently, which means that summer is right around the corner. What else? It’s time to start planning your summer vacation. Now, if you’re a business owner, your thoughts are probably that you can’t possibly take a vacation without fearing...

What Are Content Hubs & How They Can Boost Your Web Traffic

What Are Content Hubs & How They Can Boost Your Web Traffic

So, content hubs. It is the same as topic clusters, but with fancier words. To give you a spoiler, this is something not many of your competitors are doing so the sooner you apply it, the better. Spoiler #2: you will need better content marketing, strategizing, and possibly hiring blog writing...

Can Digital Marketing Be Aviation’s Parachute

Can Digital Marketing Be Aviation’s Parachute

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, international flights are strictly limited and executed under certain rules. That has forced many airlines to ground a large portion of their fleet, which has led the aviation industry into a state of free fall. While falling towards the abyss of financial...

The Cookie’s out of the Jar: Google Kills Third-Party Cookies

The Cookie’s out of the Jar: Google Kills Third-Party Cookies

My grandma makes the most delicious cookies, and now Google wants to kill them. Wait, what? Sorry, that was just a nightmare I had. The reality, on the other hand, is that Google has decided to end its support of third-party cookies on the Chrome browser within the next two years. This seemingly...

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